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Catholic Church Reaffirms Its Position On Gluten-Free Communion Wafers

July 11, 2017: 12:00 AM EST
Gluten-free is a major food trend, and a multi-billion-dollar business. But it hasn’t yet breeched the walls of Vatican City and isn’t likely to anytime soon. The hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church recently advised its bishops worldwide that – celiac disease notwithstanding – there will be no messing around with the basic recipe for communion wafers. The reason? Christ ate bread, made with gluten-rich wheat, and drank wine at the Last Supper, declaring that they were his body and blood. The Catholic Church takes those words literally, not symbolically. As one U.S. theologian said, “Christ did not institute the Eucharist as rice and sake, or sweet potatoes and stout."
Sarah Pulliam Bailey, "The Catholic Church Says No to Gluten-Free Communion. Here’s Why.", The Washington Post, July 11, 2017, © The Washington Post
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