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Food Companies Are Mum On Use Of Nanoparticles In Their Products

February 5, 2013: 12:00 AM EST
As You Sow, a nonprofit corporate accountability group, reports that companies using nanoparticles in their food products have been less than forthcoming in making the public aware of it. The molecule-sized particles are entering the food chain in popular products and their packaging materials, the group says. Fourteen of 26 companies who responded to a survey – 2,600 companies received the survey – said they do not use nanomaterials. Various world regulatory bodies are grappling with the issue. Only the European Union has required labeling products if nanomaterials are present. Nanoparticles are said to be able to make products creamier without additional fat, and can intensify and improve flavors and brighten colors.
Stephanie Strom, "Study Looks at Particles Used in Food", New York Times, February 05, 2013, © The New York Times Company
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