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Main Ingredient In Green Coffee Bean Weight Loss Supplements Is Ineffective – Study

June 12, 2013: 12:00 AM EST
U.S. researchers have determined in an animal study that higher doses of the main ingredient found in popular green coffee bean weight loss supplements – a polyphenol known as chlorogenic acid, or CGA – does nothing to prevent weight gain. Obese mice fed a high-fat diet alone and a high-fat diet plus CGA gained the same amount of weight. In addition, the CGA mice were more likely to develop disorders that can lead to type 2 diabetes, and they accumulated more fat in their livers. The researchers concluded that CGA supplementation in a high-fat diet “does not protect against features of the metabolic syndrome”.
Aidilla Mubarak et al., "Supplementation of a High-Fat Diet with Chlorogenic Acid Is Associated with Insulin Resistance and Hepatic Lipid Accumulation in Mice", Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, June 12, 2013, © American Chemical Society
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