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Protein-Activating Molecule Extends Lifespan In Lab Animals

February 27, 2014: 12:00 AM EST
U.S. research in mice has discovered a molecule that activates a single protein, delaying the onset of metabolic diseases associated with aging and improving general health. For the study, researchers supplemented the regular diet of mice with 100 mg/kg of the molecule SIRT 1720 – which activates the protein SIRT 1 – beginning at six months and for the remainder of their lives. SRT1720 not only lengthened the lifespan of the mice by an average of 8.8 percent, it reduced body weight and body fat percentage, and improved muscle function and motor coordination.
Sarah J. Mitchell et al., "The SIRT1 Activator SRT1720 Extends Lifespan and Improves Health of Mice Fed a Standard Diet", Cell Reports, February 27, 2014, © Mitchell et al.
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