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Resistant Starches May Play A Role In Preventing Bowel Cancer

February 19, 2013: 12:00 AM EST
Indigestible starches – known as resistant starches – found in peas, beans and other legumes that are eaten at room temperature seem to help the body resist colorectal cancer by killing precancerous cells and reducing inflammation, a U.S. study has found. Resistant starches also lower bowel pH and transit time, and boost production of short-chain fatty acids, all of which promote good bacteria and fends off bad bacteria. The study in rats also found evidence that resistant starches may have implications for the prevention of breast cancer.
Janine A. Higgins & Ian L. Brown, "Resistant Starch", Current Opinion in Gastroenterology, February 19, 2013, © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
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