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Women Benefit More From Interval Training Than Men – Study

August 27, 2013: 12:00 AM EST
Interval training – alternating periods of high-intensity and low-intensity exercise – benefits women runners more than men, according to a new U.S. study. Eight men and eight women in their twenties were put through self-paced, high-intensity interval training on the treadmill with different recovery periods. Maximum oxygen consumption and heart rates were measured throughout, and the results revealed a significant difference between the sexes on both measurements. The men tended to run faster, but the women worked at a higher percentage of their maximum heart rate and a higher percentage of their maximum oxygen consumption. The findings indicated that the women got more benefit from the interval training than the men.
C. Matthew Laurent et al., "Sex specific responses to self-paced, high-intensity interval training with variable recovery periods", Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, August 27, 2013, © National Strength & Conditioning Association
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