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Women Who Maintain A Healthy Weight Increase Their Chance Of Survival To Old Age

February 19, 2014: 12:00 AM EST
U.S. researchers who looked at data on body mass index, disease, disability and mortality from nearly 37,000 post-menopausal women (aged 66 to 81 years) found that obese, overweight and underweight women had the least chance of living to age 85. Women with a healthy body weight had a much better chance of reaching that age. The researchers also found that overweight and obese women had higher risks of developing chronic diseases and mobility disabilities that required the use of a cane, walker or wheelchair. In fact, they noted, “disability risks were striking” among overweight and obese women.  The main conclusion: “The heavier you are, the worse your chances of healthy survival.”
Eileen Rillamas-Sun et al., "Obesity and Late-Age Survival Without Major Disease or Disability in Older Women", JAMA Internal Medicine, February 19, 2014, © American Medical Association
Women's Health
Menstruation & Menopause
Dieting & Weight Control
Preventative Care
North America
United States of America
Research, Studies, Advice
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